Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Journal Entry # 10

It's such a pitiful site. Hunter sitting at the end of his dog ramp waiting. I wonder what goes through his head. Did she forget me? Is she coming back?

It's been said that dogs don't have a sense of time. I don't believe it. Hunter, without fail, sits by the door to his gate at 6am every morning. He watches through the patio glass anticipating. When I don't come right out, he paces and when I'm really behind, he does the ramp thing. Duke, on the other hand, he plays it cool but the second he hears "Good morning my boys!" he's a bowl of jello.

I bring them in the house on occasion but it's like having a toddler over, there are all kinds of things I need move out of the way, put up high and close. These are not lap dogs. They aren't even foot dogs. They are like horses on crack. I'm to blame. When they were puppies, I loved to watch them chase each other. The first time they flipped my coffee table, I realized where I had failed.

People give me the raised eyebrow when I tell them they live outside. Lower it... I spent $1000.00 on a insulated dog house with a window, human, and doggy door. The roof is pitched and shingled, and it's bedded with hay in the winter. Do you think that matters to the dogs? Nope! They prefer lounging in the two $75.00 igloo houses. Then there's the $600.00 fence. They aren't living in squalor by any means.

I took a break in this entry to do my parental duty. Hunter's back in the igloo tired, but happy.


Blogger johngoldfine said...

These are not lap dogs. They aren't even foot dogs. :)

They are like horses on crack. :) :)

Lower it... Nice line!

I agree dogs have a sense of time; they certainly know when they have a right to demand a walk. What they don't have is any sense of proportion: if I'm away for an hour when they come home, it's only slightly less exciting than when I'm away for a week.

9:08 AM  

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