Sunday, October 22, 2006

Theme Week # 8

"Washing up." That's what they called it before running water and bathtubs existed. A pitcher of hot water, a sponge, and a bar of soap. In ten minutes, the offensive areas were semi-cleaned then back to baking bread, canning vegetables, and chopping wood for the long winter.

Washing was just that; removing dirt and odor with soap and water. Whether it was bathing in a cold creek or sitting in a metal tub with heated water poured over you, the only purpose was getting clean.

Nothing is what it used to be. Grocery shopping isn't about putting food on the table for your family. It's biology in a box or can of low fat, sugar free, high grain, processed, low cholesterol, hydrogenated, organic contents, not food.

School isn't about reading, writing, and arithmetic. Get past the emotional stability, sexual harassment, separation of church and state, and you might get an essay that doesn't involve killing a family.

Nothing is simple. A metal tub is now a four person, eight jet, porcelain "wash room" with music, candles, bubbles and a pillow. Getting clean is now only an excuse to get away from the things we somehow manage to always "unsimplify".


Blogger johngoldfine said...

Nice little essay about how things and meanings change over time and I'm enthused--but it's just the opposite of what the week is about: every single word here means exactly what it says, and there is no shadow essay, hovering around in the cracks between words.

You've written about how things are not what they used to be; this week is about how sometimes things are more than they seem to be.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Mainer said...

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3:55 PM  
Blogger Mainer said...

Wait a minute...I thought week 8 was about big to small, small to big. I thought I did that here??? Help me John. I'm sinking.

3:58 PM  
Blogger johngoldfine said...

Whoops--I was already on week 9 in my mind--my apologies. Someone's sinking but it isn't you, dd.

Dang, the perfect teacher....

Okay, now week 8, let me reread it with week 8 in mind.

6:37 PM  
Blogger johngoldfine said...

Small to large, yep--nice piece. (Not that I would take the word of someone too dim to read the words "Week 8" sitting on top of your graf.)

Definitely a classy and classic small to large, week eight (8) piece.

Again, Darlene--sorry!

6:41 PM  
Blogger Mainer said...

No problem at all.

5:58 AM  

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